Monday, May 7, 2007

Sparkly Internet Cafe Spitters

Everyone HI,

We are going to see the Emperors Palace today and then fly to Shanghai. The people are wonderful and the little kids are so dressed up in sparkles. In the internet cafe the young boys spit on the floor, but other than that all is well. Miss you guys.



HCPL Techincal Trainer said...

Nancy, good to see you are having quite an adventure on your trip overseas. The above website is a blog that I have followed about Shanghai for years. I hope you have a great time there.

Enjoyinglife said...

WOW! Your trip sounds fabulous. You are certainly getting to see all the famous places. I am looking forward to updates and the pictures when you get home.
Say hi to Dave.

pmg755 said...

Thanks for filling us in. Can't wait to see pictures! Enjoy the rest of the trip.


DisFan said...


It's great to hear from you, I've really been looking forward to reading your blog. I'm very excited to see pictures of the Great Wall. I've always heard that it's impressive. You'll have to tell us all about it. Hope you continue to have a good time!


sudukogram said...

Sounds like you are having some really interesting experiences. Looking forward to seeing pictures when you & Dave return.

Katherine said...

Katherine Clipp here from the Silver Reader at the library. How great you are in China! My family traveled there last summer on a homeland tour with my daughters who were adopted from China 11 years prior. It is a wonderful country. We marveled at many changes in the time since we traveled there to get our babies in 1995. On our most recent trip we went to Beijing, Nanchang, the countryside of Jiangxi Province, Kunming and Lijiang (in the west....nice and cool there and better air quality!) and Guangzhou.
Would love to chat and compare notes after you get back. Safe travels !!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having fun! I can't wait to see all of the pictures you bring back.


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